We offer a wide range of partnership opportunities, from multi-day championships to sponsoring financial assistance through the form of program scholarships. Each provides excellent promotional possibilities to partners. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, contributions to the GSGA Junior Tour are tax deductible by individuals and corporations alike.
We’re able to provide tremendous, grassroots exposure for our sponsors through meaningful interaction with our members, families, and supporters. To inquire about becoming a sponsor, contact Jeremy Freyman at jfreyman@gsga.org or 770-850-9040.
Work with the GSGA Junior Tour to present your brand to a targeted audience through a customized platform tailored to your marketing goals and needs. We offer a variety of sponsorship levels, making it easy for anyone to get involved. Depending on your sponsorship level, you’ll receive publicity through our website, at our series events, and at the season-ending championships.